API Documentation


This document is intended for users, who wish to develop applications using the EconSMS.com SMS Gateway for sending SMS messages. The gateway can be accessed using the HTTP protocol by submitting values by means of the GET/POST method to the API Server.

The JSON REST API allows you to submit and receive EconSMS messages. You can also get access to past messages and see your account profile.

The base URL to use for this service is https://api.econsms.com:6005 The base URL cannot be used on its own, you must append a path that identifies an operation and you may have to specify some path parameters as well.


The EconSMS.com Gateway can be accessed in various ways:

• Using HTTP Protocol API and submitting values by the GET method
• Using EconSMS.com Web Interface
• Using MS-Excel Sheet through Web Interface
• Using Google Spreadsheet Plugin

NOTE: Accessing gateway through HTTP protocol is one of the best & the fastest ways to deliver SMS messages.

The EconSMS.com gateway HTTP API can be used to send various types of SMS messages including simple text messages, flash message etc. This document gives a detailed explanation of how to use the gateway through the HTTP protocol.

The API is a complete programmable interface to all functionality. We currently provide wrappers for HTTP, PHP, ASP, Java and Python which make working with common API operations very simple.


All EconSMS services are accessible using either HTTP or HTTPS. However, for security reasons, we highly recommend all our customers to use the HTTPS protocol.

HTTP Sample code:



Get Credit Balance

All EconSMS services are accessible using either HTTP or HTTPS. However, for security reasons, we highly recommend all our customers to use the HTTPS protocol.

HTTP Sample code:

Get Credit Balance

GET http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Balance?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}

Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {


type: “GET”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Balance?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}”,

contentType: “application/json “,

dataType: ‘json ‘,

success: function (response) {






Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: [


“PluginType”: “SMS”,

“Credits”: €0.6991
















Get Campaign Message Status

All EconSMS services are accessible using either HTTP or HTTPS. However, for security reasons, we highly recommend all our customers to use the HTTPS protocol.

HTTP Sample code:

1) Get Campaign Message Status

GET http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Campaign/Statistics?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&campaignId={campaignId}

Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String
campaignId First user have to call Get Campaigns api for CampaignId Number


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {


type: “GET”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Campaign/Statistics?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&campaignId=2372”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: {

“DeliveredCount”: 1,

“DNDCount”: 0,

“SuccessCount”: 0,

“SubmittedCount”: 0,

“UnDeliveredCount”: 0,

“RejectedCount”: 0,

“TempSubmittedCount”: 0,

“OthersCount”: 0,

“DroppedCount”: 0,

“TotalCount”: 1,

“NotProcessedCount”: 0




<ErrorCode>0 </ErrorCode>

<ErrorDescription>Success </ErrorDescription>


<DeliveredCount>1 </DeliveredCount>

<DNDCount>0 </DNDCount>

<SuccessCount>0 </SuccessCount>

<UnDeliveredCount>0 </UnDeliveredCount>

<RejectedCount>0 </RejectedCount>

<TempSubmittedCount>0 </TempSubmittedCount>

<OthersCount>0 </OthersCount>

<DroppedCount>0 </DroppedCount>

<CreateDate>0001-01-01T00:00:00 </CreateDate>

<TotalCount>1 </TotalCount>

<NotProcessedCount>0 </NotProcessedCount>



2) Get Campaigns

GET http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Campaign?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&start={campaignId}&length={length}&fromdate={fromdate}&enddate={enddate}

Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String
start Starting index value to fetch the campaign detail. Number
length Ending index value to fetch the campaign detail. Number
fromdate Date format must be in yyyy-mm-dd String
enddate Date format must be in yyyy-mm-dd String


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {


type: “GET”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Campaign?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}start=0&length=100


contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

success: function (response) {






Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: [


“CampaignId”: 2272,

“CampaignName”: “Camp_07-Mar-2018 14:34”,

“Message”: “zxczxc”,

“CreatedDate”: “Jan 01,0001 12:00:00”,

“SenderId”: “WEBSMS”,

“MessageCount”: 1










<CampaignName>Camp_07-Mar-2018 14:34</CampaignName>









Get Group List

All EconSMS services are accessible using either HTTP or HTTPS. However, for security reasons, we highly recommend all our customers to use the HTTPS protocol.

HTTP Sample code:

1) Get Group List

GET http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Group?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}

Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {


type: “GET”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Group?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: [


“GroupId”: 33,

“GroupName”: “JGJ”,

“ContactCount”: 21



“GroupId”: 50,

“GroupName”: “6Y5”,

“ContactCount”: 0




















2) Create New Group

POST http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Group

Request Body :


“GroupName”: “551”,

“ApiKey”: “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx”,

“ClientId”: “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx”


<?xml version=”1.0″?>






Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose. String
GroupName Name for new group . String


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {

var Jsondata = {

‘GroupName’: ‘hello’,

‘ApiKey’: ‘ApiKey’,

‘ClientId’: ‘ClientId’



type: “POST”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Group”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata),

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: “success#New Group added successfully.”





<Data>success#New Group added successfully.</Data>


3) Update Group

PUT http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Group?id={Id}

Request Body :


“GroupName”: “string”,

“ApiKey”: “string”,

“ClientId”: “string”


<?xml version=”1.0″?>






Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose. String
GroupName Name for new group . String


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {

var Jsondata = {

‘GroupName’: ‘hello1’,

‘ApiKey’: ‘{ApiKey}’,

‘ClientId’: ‘{ClientId}’



type: “PUT”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Group?id=215”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata),

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: “Group updated Successfully.”





<Data>Group updated Successfully.</Data>


4) Create Sub-Group Group

POST http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Group?{Id}/SubGroup

Request Body :


“GroupName”: “string”,

“ApiKey”: “string”,

“ClientId”: “string”


<?xml version=”1.0″?>






Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose. String
GroupName Name for new group . String


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {

var Jsondata = {

‘GroupName’: ‘hello1’,

‘ApiKey’: ‘{ApiKey}’,

‘ClientId’: ‘{ClientId}’



type: “PUT”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Group/215/SubGroup”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata),

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: “success#New Group added successfully.”





<Data>Group added Successfully.</Data>


5) Delete Group

DELETE http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Group?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&id=215

Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose. String
id group Id . integer


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {


type: “DELETE”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Group?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&id=215′”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata),

success: function (response) {







Get Sender Id List

All EconSMS services are accessible using either HTTP or HTTPS. However, for security reasons, we highly recommend all our customers to use the HTTPS protocol.

HTTP Sample code:

1) Get Sender Id List

GET http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SenderId?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}

Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {


type: “GET”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SenderId?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: [


“Id”: 94,

“CompanyId”: 47,

“Sender-Id”: “SMS123”,

“Purpose”: “TEST “,

“IsActive”: true,

“CreatedDate”: “Nov 20, 2018”,

“ApproveStatus”: “Approved”,

“ApprovedDate”: “Nov 21, 2018”














<CreateDate>Nov 20, 2018</CreateDate>


<ApprovedDate>Nov 21, 2018</ApprovedDate>




2) Create New Sender Id

POST http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SenderId

Request Body :


“SenderId”: “string”,

“Purpose”: “string”,

“ApiKey”: “string”,

“ClientId”: “string”


<?xml version=”1.0″?>







Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose. String
SenderId Valid sender-id string
Purpose pupose of sender-id String


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {

var Jsondata = {

‘SenderId’: ‘hello’,

‘Purpose’: ”,

‘ApiKey’: ‘ApiKey’,

‘ClientId’: ‘ClientId’



type: “POST”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SenderId”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata),

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: “Senderid Added successfully.”





<Data>Senderid Added successfully.</Data>


3) Update Sender Id

PUT http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SenderId?id={id}

Request Body :


“SenderId”: “string”,

“Purpose”: “string”,

“ApiKey”: “string”,

“ClientId”: “string”


<?xml version=”1.0″?<







Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose. String
SenderId Valid sender-id string
Purpose pupose of sender-id String
id id of sender-id integer


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {

var Jsondata = {

‘SenderId’: ‘hello’,

‘Purpose’: ”,

‘ApiKey’: ‘ApiKey’,

‘ClientId’: ‘ClientId’



type: “PUT”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SenderId?id=215”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata),

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: “SenderId updated Successfully.”





<Data>SenderId updated Successfully.</Data>


4) Delete Sender Id

DELETE http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SenderId?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&id={Id}

Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose. String
id Id of sender id. integer


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {


type: “DELETE”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SenderId?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&id={id}'”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata),

success: function (response) {






Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: “SenderId deleted Successfully.”





<Data>SenderId deleted Successfully.</Data>



Get Template List

All EconSMS services are accessible using either HTTP or HTTPS. However, for security reasons, we highly recommend all our customers to use the HTTPS protocol.

HTTP Sample code:

1) Get Template List

GET http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Template?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}

Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {


type: “GET”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Template?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: [


“TemplateId”: 138,

“CompanyId”: 121,

“TemplateName”: “test”,

“MessageTemplate”: “test ##Field##”,

“IsApproved”: false,

“IsActive”: true,

“CreatededDate”: “Mar 19, 2018”,

“ApprovedDate”: “Mar 19, 2018”,












<MessageTemplate>test ##Field##</MessageTemplate>



<CreateDate>Mar 19, 2018</CreateDate>

<ApprovedDate>Mar 19, 2018</ApprovedDate>




2) Create New Template

POST http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Template

Request Body :


“TemplateName”: “string”,

“MessageTemplate”: “string”,

“ApiKey”: “string”,

“ClientId”: “string”


<?xml version=”1.0″?>







Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose. String
TemplateName Name of template String
MessageTemplate Template text. string


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {

var Jsondata = {

‘TemplateName’: ‘hello’,

‘MessageTemplate’: ‘promotional’,

‘ApiKey’: ‘ApiKey’,

‘ClientId’: ‘ClientId’



type: “POST”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Template”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata),

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: “Template Added successfully.”





<Data>Template Added successfully.</Data>


3) Update Template

PUT http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Template?id={id}

Request Body :


“TemplateName”: “string”,

“MessageTemplate”: “string”,

“ApiKey”: “string”,

“ClientId”: “string”


<?xml version=”1.0″?>







Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose. String
TemplateName Name of template String
MessageTemplate Template text. string
id id of template integer


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {

var Jsondata = {

‘TemplateName’: ‘hello’,

‘MessageTemplate’: ‘promotional’,

‘ApiKey’: ‘ApiKey’,

‘ClientId’: ‘ClientId’



type: “PUT”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Template?id={Id}”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata),

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: “Template updated Successfully.”





<Data>Template updated Successfully.</Data>


4) Delete Template

DELETE http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Template?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&id={Id}

Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose. String
id Id of template. integer


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {


type: “DELETE”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/Template?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&id={id}'”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata),

success: function (response) {






Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: “Template deleted Successfully.”





<Data>Template deleted Successfully.</Data>



Get Sent Message List

All EconSMS services are accessible using either HTTP or HTTPS. However, for security reasons, we highly recommend all our customers to use the HTTPS protocol.

HTTP Sample code:

1) Get Sent Message List

GET http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SMS?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&start={start}&length={length}&fromdate={fromdate}&enddate={enddate}

Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String
start Starting index value to fetch the campaign detail. Number
length Ending index value to fetch the campaign detail. Number
fromdate Date format must be in yyyy-mm-dd String
enddate Date format must be in yyyy-mm-dd String


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {


type: “GET”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SMS?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&start={start}&length={length}&fromdate={fromdate}&enddate={enddate}”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: {

“messages”: [


“MobileNumber”: “9638812576”,

“SenderId”: “test”,

“Message”: “test message”,

“SubmitDate”: “16-Mar-2018 05:12:28 PM”,

“MessageId”: “Smsc1603635”,

“DoneDate”: “16-Mar-2018 05:11:00 PM”,

“Status”: “DELIVRD”













<Message>test message</Message>










2) Get Sent Message Status

GET http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/MessageStatus?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&MessageId={MessageId}

Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. String
MessageId MessageId of message Number


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {


type: “GET”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SMS?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&MessageId={MessageId}”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

success: function (response) {






Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: {

“MobileNumber”: “1”,

“SenderId”: “test”,

“Message”: “d”,

“SubmitDate”: “19-Mar-2018 05:48:36 PM”,

“MessageId”: “ae51b62e-b6b3-4091-9336-6c0d423af7fe”,

“DoneDate”: “19-Mar-2018 05:48:36 PM”,

“Status”: “BLACKLIST”
















3) Create SMS

GET http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SendSMS?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&SenderId={SenderId}&Message={Message}&MobileNumber={MobileNumber}&Is_Unicode={Is_Unicode}&Is_Flash={Is_Flash}&serviceId={serviceId}&CoRelator={CoRelator}&LinkId={LinkId}

Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose. String
SenderId Approved Sender Id String
Message text message to send string
MobileNumber Use mobile number as comma sepreated to send message on multiple mobile number
e.g. 78461230,78945612
Is_Unicode (optional) Is_Unicode is true or false for unicode message boolean
Is_Flash (optional) Is_Flash is true or false for flash message boolean
scheduleTime (optional) scheduleTime Date in yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM (only for schedule message) string
groupId (optional) Valid group-id of current user (only for group message otherwise leave empty string) string
serviceId (optional) Parameter required for using SDP OnSubscription Service string
CoRelator (optional) Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service string
LinkId (optional) Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service string


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {


type: “GEt”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SendSMS?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&SenderId={SenderId}&Message={Message}


contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: [


“MobileNumber”: “7894561230”,

“MessageId”: “3bb944ad-d943-419f-83dc-f979002a8c0b”














4) Create SMS

POST http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SendSMS

Request Body :


“SenderId”: “string”,

“Is_Unicode”: true,

“Is_Flash”: true,

“SchedTime”: “string”,

“GroupId”: “string”,

“Message”: “string”,

“MobileNumbers”: “string”,

“ApiKey”: “string”,

“ClientId”: “string”,





<?xml version=”1.0″?>















Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose. String
SenderId Approved Sender Id String
Message text message to send string
MobileNumber Use mobile number as comma sepreated to send message on multiple mobile number
e.g. 78461230,78945612
Is_Unicode (optional) Is_Unicode is ture or false for unicode message boolean
Is_Flash (optional) Is_Flash is ture or false for flash message boolean
scheduleTime (optional) scheduleTime Date in yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM (only for schedule message) string
groupId (optional) Valid group-id of current user (only for group message otherwise leave empty string) string
serviceId (optional) Parameter required for using SDP OnSubscription Service string
CoRelator (optional) Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service string
LinkId (optional) Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service string


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {

var Jsondata = {

‘SenderId’: ‘hello’,

‘ApiKey’: ‘ApiKey’,

‘ClientId’: ‘ClientId’,

‘Message’: ‘Message’,

‘MobileNumbers’: ‘78945613,789465124’



type: “POST”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SendSMS”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata),

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: [


“MobileNumber”: “7894561230”,

“MessageId”: “5c0780c2-d6f2-40a8-a40a-ee74e28fa4c2”














5) Create Bulk SMS

GET http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SendBulkSMS?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&SenderId={SenderId}&MobileNumber_Message={MobileNumber_Message}&serviceId={serviceId}&CoRelator={CoRelator}&LinkId={LinkId}

Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose. String
SenderId Approved Sender Id String
MobileNumber_Message Please ensure while submitting the request the message should be passed in encoded format.
e.g. 78461230^test~78945612^hello
Is_Unicode (optional) Is_Unicode is ture or false for unicode message boolean
Is_Flash (optional) Is_Flash is ture or false for flash message boolean
scheduleTime (optional) scheduleTime Date in yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM (only for schedule message) string
serviceId (optional) Parameter required for using SDP OnSubscription Service string
CoRelator (optional) Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service string
LinkId (optional) Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service string


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {


type: “GET”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SendBulkSMS?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&SenderId={SenderId}


contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata),

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: [


“MobileNumber”: “7894561230”,

“MessageId”: “fc103131-5931-4530-ba8e-aa223c769536”



“MobileNumber”: “7894561231”,

“MessageId”: “f893293d-d6ea-45e8-b543-40f0df28e0c9”


















6) Create Bulk SMS

POST http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SendBulkSMS

Request Body :


“SenderId”: “string”,

“IsUnicode”: true,

“IsFlash”: true,

“ScheduleDateTime”: “string”,

“MessageParameters”: [


“Number”: “string”,

“Text”: “string”,






“Number”: “string”,

“Text”: “string”,






“ApiKey”: “string”,

“ClientId”: “string”


<?xml version=”1.0″?>



























Parameters :

Parameter Name Description Type
ApiKey ApiKey used for authentication purpose. String
ClientId ClientId used for authentication purpose. String
SenderId Approved Sender Id String
MobileNumber_Message Please ensure while submitting the request the message should be passed in encoded format.
e.g. 78461230^test~78945612^hello
Is_Unicode (optional) Is_Unicode is ture or false for unicode message boolean
Is_Flash (optional) Is_Flash is ture or false for flash message boolean
scheduleTime (optional) scheduleTime Date in yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM (only for schedule message) string
serviceId (optional) Parameter required for using SDP OnSubscription Service string
CoRelator (optional) Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service string
LinkId (optional) Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service string


Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
Type: json or xml


Jquery Api Call :

$(function () {

var Jsondata = {

‘SenderId’: ‘hello’,

‘ApiKey’: ‘ApiKey’,

‘ClientId’: ‘ClientId’,

“Messages”: [


“Number”: “7894561230”,

“Text”: “test”



“Number”: “7894561231”,

“Text”: “test”





type: “POST”,

url: “http://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SendBulkSMS”,

contentType: “application/json”,

dataType: ‘json’,

data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata),

success: function (response) {







Json Response Xml Response

“ErrorCode”: 0,

“ErrorDescription”: “Success”,

“Data”: [


“MobileNumber”: “7894561230”,

“MessageId”: “fc103131-5931-4530-ba8e-aa223c769536”



“MobileNumber”: “7894561231”,

“MessageId”: “f893293d-d6ea-45e8-b543-40f0df28e0c9”



















Web Push DLR

All EconSMS services are accessible using either HTTP or HTTPS. However, for security reasons, we highly recommend all our customers to use the HTTPS protocol.

HTTP Sample code:

If Http Web push DLR option is enabled, you can configure a webhook URL to receive a copy of DLR in real-time. In case remote web server is not available during the transaction, DLR will be discarded. Default timeout for webhook request is 10 seconds. You have to make sure that your WebHook URL is efficient enough to respond 200 OK within 10 seconds of request.

Push DLR Parameters :

Each request done to your push URL will contain the following parameters:

GET http://YourDomain.com?doneDate={doneDate}&submitDate={submitDate}&errorCode={errorCode}&shortMessage={shortMessage}&status={status}&messageId={messageId}&mobile={mobile}


Parameter Name Description Type
messageId Message Id of message. String
mobile Mobile Number of the the message String
submitDate Submit Date of Message String
doneDate Done Date of Message String
Status Current status of the message string
errorCode Error Code String
shortMessage Message text String



All EconSMS services are accessible using either HTTP or HTTPS. However, for security reasons, we highly recommend all our customers to use the HTTPS protocol.

PHP Sample code:

// Set your custom URL where you wanna perform send your data.
$url = ‘https://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SendSMS’;

//Initiate cURL.
$ch = curl_init($url);

//The JSON data. Set your parameters in this variable.
$jsonData = [
“SenderId”=> “ACCINF”,
“Is_Unicode”=> false,
“Is_Flash”=> false,

“Message”=> “hello”,
“MobileNumbers”=> “85225478642”,
“ServiceId”=> “string”,
“CoRelator”=> “string”,
“LinkId”=> “string”,
“ApiKey”=> “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx”,
“ClientId”=> “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx”

$jsonDataEncoded = json_encode($jsonData);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $jsonDataEncoded);

//Set the content type to application/json
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(‘Content-Type: application/json’));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);

$result = curl_exec($ch);




All EconSMS services are accessible using either HTTP or HTTPS. However, for security reasons, we highly recommend all our customers to use the HTTPS protocol.

ASP Sample code:

var client = new RestClient(“https://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SendSMS”);

var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);

request.AddHeader(“Postman-Token”, “a2acebf8-4afe-47a9-9211-917f4a4f9838”);

request.AddHeader(“cache-control”, “no-cache”);

request.AddHeader(“Content-Type”, “application/json”);

request.AddParameter(“undefined”, ”

{ \”SenderId\”: \”ACCINF\”, \”Is_Unicode\”: true, \”Is_Flash\”: true, \”SchedTime\”: \”\”, \”GroupId\”: \”\”, \”Message\”: \” Test Message from POSt API\”, \”MobileNumbers\”: \”85225478642\”, \”ServiceId\”: \”\”, \”CoRelator\”: \”\”, \”LinkId\”: \”\”, \”ApiKey\”: \”xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx\”, \”ClientId\”: \”xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx\” }

“, ParameterType.RequestBody);

IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);


Java API

All EconSMS services are accessible using either HTTP or HTTPS. However, for security reasons, we highly recommend all our customers to use the HTTPS protocol.

Java Sample code:

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse(“application/json”);

RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, ”

{ \”SenderId\”: \”ACCINF\”, \”Is_Unicode\”: true, \”Is_Flash\”: true, \”SchedTime\”: \”\”, \”GroupId\”: \”\”, \”Message\”: \” Test Message from POSt API\”, \”MobileNumbers\”: \”85225478642\”, \”ServiceId\”: \”\”, \”CoRelator\”: \”\”, \”LinkId\”: \”\”, \”ApiKey\”: \”xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx\”, \”ClientId\”: \”xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx\” }


Request request = new Request.Builder()



.addHeader(“Content-Type”, “application/json”)

.addHeader(“cache-control”, “no-cache”)

.addHeader(“Postman-Token”, “ec75d7ac-d15e-4ea9-851d-08a3c9212998”)


Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

Python API

All EconSMS services are accessible using either HTTP or HTTPS. However, for security reasons, we highly recommend all our customers to use the HTTPS protocol.

Python Sample code:

import requests

url = “https://api.econsms.com:6005/api/v2/SendSMS”

payload = ”

{ \”SenderId\”: \”ACCINF\”, \”Is_Unicode\”: true, \”Is_Flash\”: true, \”SchedTime\”: \”\”, \”GroupId\”: \”\”, \”Message\”: \” Test Message from POSt API\”, \”MobileNumbers\”: \”85225478642\”, \”ServiceId\”: \”\”, \”CoRelator\”: \”\”, \”LinkId\”: \”\”, \”ApiKey\”: \”xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx\”, \”ClientId\”: \”xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx\” }

headers =

{ ‘Content-Type’: “application/json”, ‘cache-control’: “no-cache”, ‘Postman-Token’: “d4da447b-a84c-4f58-89ea-bd68bccf4eb9” }

response = requests.request(“POST”, url, data=payload, headers=headers)



Error code message

ErrorCode Error Message
000 Success (it means message is successfully submitted and you can check message parameter response to check message id and parts)
003 SenderId cannot be blank
004 Message cannot be blank
005 Message properties cannot be blank
006 Something went wrong
007 Invalid api credential
008 User account inactive
009 User account locked, contact your Administrator
010 Unauthorized API access
011 Unauthorized IP address
013 Invalid mobile numbers
015 Invalid SenderId
019 Invalid schedule date
020 Message or mobile number cannot be blank
021 Insufficient wallet credits
023 Parameter missing
024 Invalid template or template mismatch
028 Group can not be found.
029 Record already exist
030 Account expired
031 No gateway is assigned
033 Queue Connection Closed
034 Unable to create campaign at this time please try again later.
035 Insufficient credits. Please contact to your Administrator
039 Spam Message Detected
042 Max Mobile Number limit exceeded.
801 Country Undefined.
803 Message failed due to undefined price for gateway/user.
804 Message failed due to loss protection.
805 Message failed due to undefined route.
805 Message failed due to undefined route.
807 Failover loss protection
808 Failover price undefined.
809 Failover-Routing message failed.

List of MCC/MNC Codes

The list of MCC/MNC for the Statistics report usage is as follows:
Country Operator MCC MNC
Abkhazia Aquafon 289 67
Abkhazia A-Mobile 289 88
Afghanistan Afghan Wireless (TSI) 412 01
Afghanistan Roshan (TDCA) 412 20
Afghanistan MTN 412 40
Afghanistan Etisalat 412 50
Afghanistan Wasel Telecom 412 55
Afghanistan Afghan Telecom 412 88
Albania Telekom.al 276 01
Albania Vodafone 276 02
Albania Eagle Mobile (ALBtelecom) 276 03
Albania Plus 276 04
Algeria Mobilis (Algerie Telecom) 603 01
Algeria Djezzy 603 02
Algeria Ooredoo (Wataniya) 603 03
American Samoa BlueSky Communications 544 11
Andorra SOM (Andorra Telecom) 213 03
Angola Unitel 631 02
Angola Movicel 631 04
Anguilla Weblinks 365 01
Anguilla FLOW (Cable & Wireless) 365 84
Antigua and Barbuda Apua 344 03
Antigua and Barbuda Digicell 344 50
Antigua and Barbuda FLOW (Cable & Wireless) 344 92
Argentina Movistar (Telefónica) 722 01
Argentina Nextel (NII) 722 02
Argentina Movistar (Telefónica) 722 07
Argentina Claro (AMX Argentina) 722 31
Argentina Claro (AMX Argentina) 722 33
Argentina Personal 722 34
Armenia Beeline (ArmenTel) 283 01
Armenia Karabakh Telecom 283 04
Armenia VivaCell (MTS) 283 05
Armenia Ucom LLC 283 10
Aruba SETAR 363 01
Aruba Digicel 363 02
Australia Telstra 505 01
Australia Optus (SingTel) 505 02
Australia Vodafone (Vodafone Hutchison) 505 03
Australia Lycamobile (MVNO) 505 19
Austria A1.net (A1 Telekom Austria) 232 01
Austria T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 232 03
Austria 3 (Hutchison) 232 05
Austria tele.ring (MVNO) 232 07
Austria Lycamobile (MVNO) 232 08
Austria 3 (Hutchison) 232 10
Austria bob (A1 Telekom Austria) (MVNO) 232 11
Austria yesss! (A1 Telekom Austria) (MVNO) 232 12
Austria UPC Austria (MVNO) 232 13
Austria Vectone Mobile (MVNO) 232 15
Austria MASS Response Service GmbH 232 17
Austria Smartspace GmbH (MVNO) 232 18
Austria Tele2 Telecommunication 232 19
Azerbaijan Azercell (Fintur) 400 01
Azerbaijan Bakcell 400 02
Azerbaijan CATEL 400 03
Azerbaijan Nar Mobile (Azerfon) 400 04
Azerbaijan Nakhtel LLC 400 06
Bahamas BTC (Cable & Wireless) 364 39
Bahamas Aliv 364 49
Bahrain Batelco 426 01
Bahrain Zain 426 02
Bahrain VIVA Bahrain 426 04
Bangladesh Grameenphone 470 01
Bangladesh Robi (Axiata) 470 02
Bangladesh Banglalink 470 03
Bangladesh TeleTalk 470 04
Bangladesh Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 470 07
Barbados FLOW (Cable & Wireless) 342 60
Barbados Digicel 342 75
Belarus Velcom (Telekom Austria) 257 01
Belarus MTS 257 02
Belarus life:) 257 04
Belgium Proximus (Belgacom) 206 01
Belgium Telenet (MVNO) 206 05
Belgium Lycamobile (MVNO) 206 06
Belgium VOO 206 08
Belgium Orange 206 10
Belgium BASE (KPN) 206 20
Belgium Mobile Vikings (MVNO) 206 30
Belize DigiCell (Belize Telemedia) 702 67
Belize Smart (Speednet) 702 69
Belize Smart (Speednet) 702 99
Benin Libercom (Benin Telecoms) 616 01
Benin Moov (Telecel Benin) 616 02
Benin MTN 616 03
Benin Bell Benin Communications 616 04
Benin Glo Mobile (Globacom) 616 05
Bermuda CellOne 350 00
Bermuda Digicel 350 01
Bermuda Mobility 350 02
Bhutan B-Mobile (Bhutan Telecom) 402 11
Bhutan TashiCell 402 77
Bolivia Viva 736 01
Bolivia Entel 736 02
Bolivia Tigo 736 03
Bosnia and Herzegovina HT Eronet (HT Mostar) 218 03
Bosnia and Herzegovina m:tel (Telekom Srpske) 218 05
Bosnia and Herzegovina BH Telecom 218 90
Botswana Mascom 652 01
Botswana Orange 652 02
Botswana BTC Mobile 652 04
Brazil Nextel 724 00
Brazil TIM (Telecom Italia) 724 02
Brazil TIM (Telecom Italia) 724 03
Brazil TIM (Telecom Italia) 724 04
Brazil Claro (América Móvil) 724 05
Brazil Vivo (Telefónica) 724 06
Brazil Vivo (Telefónica) 724 10
Brazil Vivo (Telefónica) 724 11
Brazil Sercomtel 724 15
Brazil Oi 724 16
Brazil Datora (MVNO) 724 18
Brazil Vivo (Telefónica) 724 19
Brazil Vivo (Telefónica) 724 23
Brazil Oi 724 31
Brazil Algar Telecom 724 32
Brazil Algar Telecom 724 33
Brazil Algar Telecom 724 34
Brazil Nextel (NII) 724 39
Brazil Conecta (MVNO) 724 54
BritishVirgin Islands FLOW (Cable & Wireless) 348 17
BritishVirgin Islands Caribbean Cellular Telephone 348 57
BritishVirgin Islands Digicel 348 77
Brunei B-Mobile Communications 528 02
Brunei DSTCom 528 11
Bulgaria A1 284 01
Bulgaria Vivacom 284 03
Bulgaria Telenor 284 05
Bulgaria T.com 284 13
Burkina Faso Telmob (Onatel) 613 01
Burkina Faso Orange 613 02
Burkina Faso Telecel Faso 613 03
Burundi Econet Wireless 642 01
Burundi Onatel 642 03
Burundi Smart Mobile (Lacell) 642 07
Burundi Lumitel (Viettel) 642 08
Burundi econet Leo 642 82
Cambodia Cellcard 456 01
Cambodia Smart (Axiata) 456 02
Cambodia Qb (CADCOMMS) 456 04
Cambodia Smart (Axiata) 456 05
Cambodia Smart (Axiata) 456 06
Cambodia MetFone (Viettel) 456 08
Cambodia MetFone (Viettel) 456 09
Cambodia Seatel 456 11
Cambodia Cootel (Xinwei) 456 16
Cambodia Cellcard (MobiTel) 456 18
Cameroon MTN 624 01
Cameroon Orange 624 02
Cameroon Camtel 624 03
Cameroon Nexttel 624 04
Canada Telus Mobility 302 22
Canada ALO Mobile Inc. 302 25
Canada EastLink (Bragg Communications) 302 27
Canada Airtel Wireless 302 29
Canada Mobilicity (DAVE Wireless) 302 32
Canada Execulink 302 34
Canada Telus Mobility 302 36
Canada Rogers Wireless 302 37
Canada TBayTel 302 38
Canada TBayTel 302 39
Canada WIND Mobile (Orascom) 302 49
Canada Videotron (Quebecor Media) 302 50
Canada Videotron (Quebecor Media) 302 51
Canada Keewaytinook Mobile 302 53
Canada Lynx Mobility (OmniGlobe Networks) 302 56
Canada Quadro Com 302 59
Canada Bell Mobility (BCE) 302 61
Canada Ice Wireless 302 62
Canada Bell Mobility (BCE) 302 63
Canada Bell Mobility (BCE) 302 64
Canada TBayTel 302 65
Canada MTS Wireless (Manitoba Telecom Services) 302 66
Canada CityWest 302 67
Canada Sasktel 302 68
Canada Rogers Communications Canada Inc. 302 72
Canada Shaw Telecom 302 74
Canada Public Mobile Montreal 302 76
Canada RuralCom 302 77
Canada Sasktel 302 78
Canada Telus Mobility 302 86
Canada Telus Mobility 302 88
Canada Wightman Telecom 302 94
Cape Verde CVMovel (Cabo Verde Telecom) 625 01
Cape Verde T+ (Teylium) 625 02
Cayman Islands Digicel 346 05
Cayman Islands FLOW (Cable & Wireless) 346 14
Central African Republic Moov (Etisalat) 623 01
Central African Republic Telecel (Orascom) 623 02
Central African Republic Orange 623 03
Central African Republic Nationlink Telecom RCA 623 04
Chad Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 622 01
Chad Tigo (Millicom) 622 03
Chile Entel 730 01
Chile Movistar (Telefónica) 730 02
Chile Claro 730 03
Chile WOM 730 04
Chile Movistar 730 07
Chile VTR Movil (MVNO) 730 08
Chile WOM 730 09
Chile Telestar Movil (MVNO) 730 12
Chile Virgin Mobile (MVNO) 730 13
China China Mobile 460 00
China China Unicom 460 01
China China Telecom 460 03
China China Tietong 460 20
Colombia Lleida 732 03
Colombia Claro 732 10
Colombia Tigo (Millicom) 732 11
Colombia Movistar (Telefónica) 732 12
Colombia Avantel S.A. 732 13
Colombia Virgin Mobile (MVNO) 732 15
Colombia Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá 732 18
Comoros Huri (Comores Telecom) 654 01
Comoros TELCO 654 02
Congo Airtel Congo SA 629 01
Congo Equateur Telecom SA 629 02
Congo Warid Telecom (Abu Dhabi) 629 07
Congo MTN 629 10
Congo DR Vodacom 630 01
Congo DR Airtel sprl 630 02
Congo DR Supercell 630 05
Congo DR Orange RDC sarl 630 86
Congo DR Tigo (Salt) 630 89
Congo DR Africell RDC sprl 630 90
Cook Islands Bluesky 548 01
Costa Rica Kolbi ICE 712 01
Costa Rica Claro (América Móvil) 712 03
Costa Rica Movistar (Telefónica) 712 04
Cote d Ivoire Moov (Etisalat) 612 02
Cote d Ivoire Orange 612 03
Cote d Ivoire koZ (Comium) 612 04
Cote d Ivoire MTN 612 05
Cote d Ivoire GreenN (Oricel) 612 06
Cote d Ivoire café (Aircomm) 612 07
Croatia T-Mobile (T-Hrvatski Telekom) 219 01
Croatia Tele2 219 02
Croatia A1 219 10
Cuba Cubacel (Etecsa) 368 01
Curaçao Digicel 362 69
Cyprus Cytamobile-Vodafone 280 01
Cyprus MTN 280 10
Cyprus PrimeTel 280 20
Cyprus Lemontel (MVNO) 280 22
Czech Republic T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 230 01
Czech Republic O2 (Telefónica) 230 02
Czech Republic Vodafone 230 03
Czech Republic Nordic Telecom s.r.o. 230 04
Czech Republic O2 (MVNO) 230 97
Denmark TDC 238 01
Denmark Telenor 238 02
Denmark 3 (Hutchison) 238 06
Denmark Vectone Mobile (MVNO) 238 07
Denmark Lycamobile (MVNO) 238 12
Denmark Telia (TeliaSonera) 238 20
Djibouti Evatis (Djibouti Telecom) 638 01
Dominica FLOW (Cable & Wireless) 366 11
Dominica Digicel 366 20
Dominican Republic Altice 370 01
Dominican Republic Claro (América Móvil) 370 02
Dominican Republic Altice 370 03
Dominican Republic Viva (Trilogy) 370 04
Ecuador Movistar (Telefónica) 740 00
Ecuador Claro 740 01
Ecuador CNT Mobile 740 02
Egypt Orange 602 01
Egypt Vodafone 602 02
Egypt Etisalat 602 03
Egypt WE (Telecom Egypt) 602 04
El Salvador Claro (América Móvil) 706 01
El Salvador Digicel 706 02
El Salvador Tigo (Millicom) 706 03
El Salvador Movistar (Telefónica) 706 04
Equatorial Guinea Orange (GETESA) 627 01
Equatorial Guinea HITS Telecom 627 03
Eritrea Eritel 657 01
Estonia Telia 248 01
Estonia Elisa 248 02
Estonia Tele2 248 03
Ethiopia MTN (Ethio Telecom) 636 01
Falkland Islands Sure 750 00
Falkland Islands Touch 750 01
Faroe Islands Faroese Telecom 288 01
Faroe Islands Hey 288 02
Fiji Vodafone 542 01
Fiji Digicel 542 02
Fiji Telecom Fiji Ltd 542 03
Finland DNA 244 03
Finland Elisa 244 05
Finland DNA 244 12
Finland Alcom 244 14
Finland Elisa (MVNO) 244 21
Finland Sonera (TeliaSonera) 244 91
France Orange 208 01
France Sisteer (MVNO) 208 04
France SFR (MVNO) 208 08
France SFR 208 10
France Free Mobile 208 15
France Legos 208 17
France Bouygues Telecom 208 20
France Transatel Mobile 208 22
France Syndicat mixte ouvert Charente numérique 208 23
France Lycamobile (MVNO) 208 25
France NRJ Mobile (MVNO) 208 26
France Coriolis Telecom (MVNO) 208 27
France Syma Mobile (MVNO) 208 30
France Vectone Mobile (MVNO) 208 31
French Guiana Digicel 340 20
French Polynesia Vodafone (Pacific Mobile Telecom) 547 15
French Polynesia Vini (Tikiphone) 547 20
FYROM T-Mobile (Makedonski Telekom) 294 01
FYROM Vip 294 02
FYROM Vip 294 03
FYROM Lycamobile (MVNO) 294 04
Gabon Libertis (Gabon Telecom) 628 01
Gabon Moov (Etisalat) 628 02
Gabon Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 628 03
Gabon Azur 628 04
Gambia Gamcel 607 01
Gambia Africell 607 02
Gambia Comium 607 03
Gambia Qcell 607 04
Georgia Geocell (Silknet) 282 01
Georgia Magticom 282 02
Georgia Beeline (Mobitel) 282 04
Georgia S1 Silknet (CDMA) 282 05
Germany Telekom (Deutsche Telekom) 262 01
Germany Vodafone 262 02
Germany E-Plus 262 03
Germany O2 (Telefónica) 262 07
Germany Dolphin Telecom (MVNO) 262 12
Germany Telogic ViStream (MVNO) 262 16
Germany Voiceworks (MVNE) 262 20
Germany Sipgate Wireless GmbH (MVNO) 262 22
Germany Lycamobile (MVNO) 262 43
Ghana MTN 620 01
Ghana Vodafone 620 02
Ghana AirtelTigo (Milicom) 620 03
Ghana Expresso (Sudatel) 620 04
Ghana AirtelTigo (Airtel) 620 06
Ghana Globacom 620 07
Gibraltar GibTel 266 01
Gibraltar CTS Mobile 266 06
Greece Cosmote 202 01
Greece Vodafone 202 05
Greece AMD Telecom 202 07
Greece WIND 202 09
Greece WIND (Largo) 202 10
Greece Cyta (Hellas) 202 14
Greenland Tele 290 01
Grenada Digicel 352 03
Grenada FLOW (Cable & Wireless) 352 11
Grenada Digicel 352 13
Guadeloupe Orange 340 01
Guadeloupe UTS Caraïbe 340 03
Guadeloupe Amigo (Dauphin Telecom) 340 08
Guam PTI Pacifica Inc. 310 11
Guam Gta Wireless 310 14
Guam IT&E Wireless 310 32
Guam IT&E (PTI) 310 35
Guam iConnect 310 40
Guam NTT Docomo Pacific 310 47
Guatemala Claro 704 01
Guatemala Tigo (Millicom) 704 02
Guatemala Movistar (Telefónica) 704 03
Guernsey JT 234 50
Guernsey Sure Mobile 234 55
Guinea Orange 611 01
Guinea Sotelgui 611 02
Guinea Telecel Guinee 611 03
Guinea MTN (Areeba) 611 04
Guinea Cellcom 611 05
Guinea-Bissau MTN 632 02
Guinea-Bissau Orange 632 03
Guinea-Bissau Guinetel 632 07
Guyana Digicel 738 01
Guyana GT&T Cellink Plus 738 02
Haiti Digicel 372 02
Haiti Natcom 372 03
Honduras Claro (América Móvil) 708 01
Honduras Tigo (Millicom) 708 02
Honduras Hondutel 708 30
Honduras Digicel 708 40
Hong Kong CSL (Telstra) 454 00
Hong Kong CITIC Telecom 1616 (MVNO) 454 01
Hong Kong CSL (Telstra) 454 02
Hong Kong Hutchison3G 454 03
Hong Kong 3 (Hutchison) 454 04
Hong Kong SmarTone 454 06
Hong Kong China Unicom (MVNO) 454 07
Hong Kong Truphone (MVNO) 454 08
Hong Kong China Motion Telecom (HK) Ltd 454 09
Hong Kong China-Hong Kong Telecom (MVNO) 454 11
Hong Kong China Mobile 454 12
Hong Kong 3 (Hutchison) 454 14
Hong Kong SmarTone 454 15
Hong Kong PCCW (HKT) 454 16
Hong Kong SmarTone 454 17
Hong Kong PCCW (HKT) 454 19
Hong Kong PCCW (HKT) 454 29
Hong Kong CTExcel (MVNO) 454 31
Hungary Telenor 216 01
Hungary T-Mobile (Magyar Telekom) 216 30
Hungary Vodafone 216 70
Hungary UPC Hungary Ltd (MVNO) 216 71
Iceland Siminn 274 01
Iceland Vodafone (Fjarskipta) 274 02
Iceland Viking 274 04
Iceland On-waves 274 08
Iceland Nova 274 11
Iceland Tal (MVNO) 274 12
India MTS (Sistema Shyam TeleServices) 404 00
India Vodafone 404 01
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 02
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 03
India Idea Cellular 404 04
India Vodafone 404 05
India Idea Cellular 404 07
India Reliance Communications 404 09
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 10
India Vodafone 404 11
India Idea Cellular 404 12
India Vodafone 404 13
India Idea Cellular 404 14
India Aircel (Maxis) 404 15
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 16
India Aircel (Maxis) 404 17
India Reliance Telecom Pvt Ltd 404 18
India Idea Cellular 404 19
India Vodafone 404 20
India Loop Mobile 404 21
India Idea Cellular 404 22
India Idea Cellular 404 24
India Aircel (Maxis) 404 25
India Vodafone 404 27
India Aircel (Maxis) 404 28
India Aircel (Maxis) 404 29
India Vodafone 404 30
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 31
India Aircel (Maxis) 404 33
India BSNL 404 34
India Aircel (Maxis) 404 35
India Reliance Communications 404 36
India Aircel (Maxis) 404 37
India BSNL 404 38
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 40
India Aircel (Maxis) 404 41
India Aircel (Maxis) 404 42
India Vodafone 404 43
India Idea Cellular 404 44
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 45
India Vodafone 404 46
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 49
India Reliance Communications 404 50
India BSNL 404 51
India Reliance Communications 404 52
India BSNL 404 53
India BSNL 404 54
India BSNL 404 55
India Idea Cellular 404 56
India BSNL 404 57
India BSNL 404 58
India BSNL 404 59
India Aircel (Maxis) 404 60
India BSNL 404 62
India BSNL 404 64
India BSNL 404 66
India Reliance Communications 404 67
India MTNL 404 68
India MTNL 404 69
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 70
India BSNL 404 71
India BSNL 404 72
India BSNL 404 73
India BSNL 404 74
India BSNL 404 75
India BSNL 404 76
India BSNL 404 77
India Idea Cellular 404 78
India BSNL 404 80
India BSNL 404 81
India Idea Cellular 404 82
India Reliance Communications 404 83
India Vodafone 404 84
India Reliance Communications 404 85
India Vodafone 404 86
India IDEA Cellular Ltd 404 87
India Vodafone 404 88
India IDEA Cellular Ltd 404 89
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 90
India Aircell Digilink India Ltd 404 91
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 92
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 93
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 94
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 95
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 96
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 97
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 404 98
India Reliance Communications 405 01
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 02
India Reliance Communications 405 03
India Chennai 405 04
India Reliance Communications 405 05
India Reliance Communications 405 06
India Reliance Communications 405 07
India Reliance Communications 405 08
India Reliance Communications 405 09
India Reliance Communications 405 10
India Reliance Communications 405 11
India Reliance Communications 405 12
India Reliance Communications 405 13
India Reliance Communications 405 14
India Reliance Communications 405 15
India Reliance Communications 405 17
India Reliance Communications 405 18
India Reliance Communications 405 19
India Reliance Communications 405 20
India Reliance Communications 405 21
India Reliance Communications 405 22
India Reliance Communications 405 23
India Reliance Jio Infocomm (Reliance Industri 405 24
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 25
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 26
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 27
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 29
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 30
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 31
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 32
India Reliance Communications 405 33
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 34
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 35
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 36
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 37
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 38
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 39
India Reliance Communications 405 40
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 41
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 42
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 43
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 44
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 45
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 46
India Tata DOCOMO (Tata Teleservices) 405 47
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 48
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 49
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 50
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 405 51
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 405 52
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 405 53
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 405 54
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 405 55
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 405 56
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 57
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 58
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 59
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 60
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 61
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 62
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 63
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 64
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 65
India Vodafone 405 66
India Vodafone 405 67
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 68
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 69
India Idea Cellular 405 70
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 71
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 72
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 73
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 74
India Vodafone 405 75
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 76
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 77
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 78
India Idea Cellular 405 79
India Aircel (Maxis) 405 80
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 405 81
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 405 82
India Videocon 405 83
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 405 84
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 405 85
India Aircel (Maxis) 405 86
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 87
India BSNL 405 88
India BSNL 405 89
India MTS (Sistema Shyam TeleServices) 405 90
India Idea Cellular 405 91
India Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 405 92
India Etisalat DB Telecom 405 93
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd 405 94
India Unknown 405 99
Indonesia Indosat (Ooredoo) 510 01
Indonesia Smartfren 510 09
Indonesia Telkomsel (Telekomunikasi Selular) 510 10
Indonesia XL (Axiata) 510 11
Indonesia Net1 510 27
Indonesia PT Mobile-8 Telecom 510 28
Indonesia 3 (Hutchison) 510 89
Iran Azartel (MVNO) 432 02
Iran Shatel (MVNO) 432 08
Iran MCI (TCI) 432 11
Iran TKC 432 14
Iran MTCE 432 19
Iran Rightel 432 20
Iran Taliya 432 32
Iran MTN Irancell 432 35
Iraq Asiacell (Ooredoo) 418 05
Iraq Zain 418 20
Iraq Zain 418 30
Iraq Korek Telecom 418 40
Iraq Mobitel 418 45
Iraq Iraq Central Cooperative Association for 418 47
Iraq ITC Fanoos 418 48
Iraq IraqTel 418 49
Iraq Itisaluna 418 62
Iraq Regional Telecom 418 66
Iraq Kalimat 418 70
Iraq Omnea 418 76
Ireland Vodafone 272 01
Ireland Hutchison 3G Ireland limited 272 02
Ireland Eir 272 03
Ireland 3 (Hutchison) 272 05
Ireland Tesco Mobile (MVNO) 272 11
Ireland Lycamobile (MVNO) 272 13
Isle of Man Manx Telecom 234 58
Israel Partner 425 01
Israel Cellcom 425 02
Israel Pelephone 425 03
Israel Hot Mobile 425 07
Israel Golan Telecom Ltd 425 08
Israel We4G 425 09
Israel Free Telecom (MVNO) 425 12
Israel Home Cellular (MVNO) 425 15
Israel Rami Levy (MVNO) 425 16
Israel Cellact Communications (MVNO) 425 18
Israel 019 Mobile (MVNO) 425 19
Israel Hot Mobile Ltd. 425 77
Italy TIM (Telecom Italia) 222 01
Italy Noverca (MVNO) 222 07
Italy Fastweb (MVNO) 222 08
Italy Vodafone 222 10
Italy Poste Mobile (MVNO) 222 33
Italy BT Italia (MVNO) 222 34
Italy Lycamobile (MVNO) 222 35
Italy Digi Italy Srl 222 36
Italy Iliad Italia SPA 222 50
Italy WIND (VimpelCom) 222 88
Italy 3 (Hutchison) 222 99
Jamaica Digicel (Jamaica) Limited 338 05
Jamaica FLOW (Cable & Wireless) 338 18
Japan Y!Mobile 440 00
Japan SoftBank Mobile 440 04
Japan NTT DOCOMO 440 10
Japan Softbank Corp 440 20
Japan au (KDDI) 440 54
Jersey Airtel-Vodafone (Bharti) 234 03
Jordan Zain 416 01
Jordan Umniah 416 03
Jordan Orange 416 77
Kazakhstan Beeline (KaR-Tel LLP) 401 01
Kazakhstan Kcell JSC 401 02
Kazakhstan Altel 401 07
Kazakhstan Kazakhtelecom 401 08
Kazakhstan Tele2 401 77
Kenya Safaricom 639 02
Kenya Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 639 03
Kenya Telkom 639 07
Kiribati TSKL 545 09
Kosovo Vala (Telecom of Kosovo J.S.C.) 221 01
Kosovo IPKO 221 02
Kosovo Z Mobile (MVNO) 221 06
Kuwait Zain 419 02
Kuwait K.S.C Ooredoo 419 03
Kuwait Viva (KTC) 419 04
Kyrgyzstan Beeline (Sky Mobile LLC) 437 01
Kyrgyzstan 7 Mobile 437 03
Kyrgyzstan MegaCom (Alfa Telecom) 437 05
Kyrgyzstan O! (NurTelecom) 437 09
Laos LaoTel 457 01
Laos ETL 457 02
Laos Unitel 457 03
Laos Beeline (VimpelCom) 457 08
Latvia LMT 247 01
Latvia Tele2 247 02
Latvia Triatel 247 03
Latvia Bite 247 05
Lebanon Alfa (OTMT) 415 01
Lebanon Touch (Zain) 415 03
Lesotho Vodacom 651 01
Lesotho Econet Wireless 651 02
Liberia Lonestar Communications Corporation 618 01
Liberia Novafone 618 04
Liberia Orange LBR 618 07
Libya Libyana 606 00
Libya Madar 606 01
Liechtenstein Swisscom 295 01
Liechtenstein 7acht (Salt Liechtenstein AG) 295 02
Liechtenstein FL1 (Telecom Liechtenstein AG) 295 05
Lithuania Telia 246 01
Lithuania Bite 246 02
Lithuania Tele2 246 03
Luxembourg Post 270 01
Luxembourg Tango (Belgacom) 270 77
Luxembourg Orange (Mobistar) 270 99
MACAU Smartone 455 00
MACAU CTM 455 01
MACAU China Telecom 455 02
MACAU 3 (Hutchison) 455 03
Madagascar Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 646 01
Madagascar Orange 646 02
Madagascar Telma 646 04
Malawi TNM 650 01
Malawi Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 650 10
Malaysia TM Homeline 502 11
Malaysia Maxis 502 12
Malaysia Celcom Axiata Berhad 502 13
Malaysia YTL Communications 502 15
Malaysia DiGi 502 16
Malaysia U Mobile 502 18
Malaysia Celcom (Axiata) 502 19
Maldives Dhiraagu 472 01
Maldives Ooredoo 472 02
Mali Malitel 610 01
Mali Orange 610 02
Mali ATEL-SA 610 03
Malta Vodafone 278 01
Malta Go 278 21
Malta Melita Mobile 278 77
Martinique Outremer Telecom 340 02
Mauritania Mattel 609 01
Mauritania Chinguitel (Sudatel) 609 02
Mauritania Mauritel 609 10
Mauritius my.t 617 01
Mauritius Mokoze / Azu (MTML) 617 02
Mauritius Chili (MTML) 617 03
Mauritius Emtel 617 10
Mexico AT&T 334 01
Mexico Telcel (América Móvil) 334 02
Mexico Movistar (Telefónica) 334 03
Mexico AT&T 334 05
Mexico AT&T 334 09
Micronesia FSM Telecom 550 01
Moldova Orange 259 01
Moldova Moldcell (Fintur) 259 02
Moldova IDC (Interdnestrkom) Transnistria 259 03
Moldova Moldtelecom 259 05
Moldova Unité 259 99
Monaco Monaco Telecom 212 01
Monaco Monaco Telecom 212 10
Mongolia Skytel 428 01
Mongolia G-Mobile 428 06
Mongolia Unitel 428 88
Mongolia MobiCom 428 99
Montenegro Telenor 297 01
Montenegro T-Mobile 297 02
Montenegro m:tel CG 297 03
Montserrat FLOW (Cable & Wireless) 354 86
Morocco Orange Morocco 604 00
Morocco Ittissalat Al-Maghrib (Maroc Telecom) 604 01
Morocco inwi 604 02
Mozambique mCel (Mozambique Cellular) 643 01
Mozambique Movitel (Viettel) 643 03
Mozambique Vodacom 643 04
Myanmar MPT 414 01
Myanmar Ooredoo 414 05
Myanmar Telenor Myanmar 414 06
Myanmar Mytel 414 09
Namibia MTC 649 01
Namibia Switch 649 02
Namibia TN Mobile 649 03
Nepal Nepal Telecom (NDCL) 429 01
Nepal Ncell Pvt Ltd 429 02
Nepal SmartCell 429 04
Netherlands Tele2 204 02
Netherlands Voiceworks BV 204 03
Netherlands Vodafone 204 04
Netherlands Vectone Mobile (MVNO) 204 06
Netherlands Teleena Holding B.V. 204 07
Netherlands KPN 204 08
Netherlands Lycamobile (MVNO) 204 09
Netherlands Telfort BV 204 12
Netherlands Ziggo 204 15
Netherlands T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 204 16
Netherlands UPC (MVNO) 204 18
Netherlands T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 204 20
Netherlands Private Mobility Nederland 204 24
Netherlands Antilles Telbo 362 78
Netherlands Antilles Chippie 362 91
New Caledonia Mobilis 546 01
NEW GUINEA Digicel 338 00
New Zealand Vodafone 530 01
New Zealand Woosh 530 03
New Zealand Spark 530 05
New Zealand Skinny (MVNO) 530 06
New Zealand 2degrees 530 24
Nicaragua Claro (América Móvil) 710 21
Nicaragua Movistar (Telefónica) 710 30
Nicaragua CooTel 710 68
Nicaragua Claro (América Móvil) 710 73
Niger SahelCom (Sonitel) 614 01
Niger Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 614 02
Niger Moov (Etisalat) 614 03
Niger Orange 614 04
Nigeria Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 621 20
Nigeria Smile Communications Nigeria 621 27
Nigeria MTN 621 30
Nigeria Ntel 621 40
Nigeria Glo Mobile (Globacom) 621 50
Nigeria 9mobile 621 60
Norway Telenor 242 01
Norway Telia 242 02
Norway TeliaSonera Norge AS 242 05
Norway Phonero (MVNO) 242 07
Norway TDC (MVNO) 242 08
Norway Com4 (MVNO) 242 09
Norway Telenor Norge AS 242 12
Norway ICE Communication Norge AS 242 14
Norway Jernbaneverket 242 20
Norway Lycamobile (MVNO) 242 23
Oman Omantel 422 02
Oman Ooredoo 422 03
Pakistan Jazz (Mobilink) 410 01
Pakistan Ufone (PTCL) 410 03
Pakistan Zong (China Mobile) 410 04
Pakistan SCO Mobile Ltd 410 05
Pakistan Telenor 410 06
Pakistan Jazz (WaridTel) 410 07
Pakistan SCO Mobile 410 08
Palau PNCC 552 01
Palau PT Waves 552 02
Palestine Jawwal (PalTel) 425 05
Palestine Wataniya Mobile 425 06
Panama Cable & Wireless Panama S.A. 714 01
Panama Movistar (Telefónica) 714 02
Panama Claro (América Móvil) 714 03
Panama Digicel 714 04
Papua New Guinea bemobile 537 01
Papua New Guinea Citifon 537 02
Papua New Guinea Digicel 537 03
Paraguay Vox (Hola) 744 01
Paraguay Claro (América Móvil) 744 02
Paraguay Tigo (Millicom) 744 04
Paraguay Personal (Telecom Argentina) 744 05
Peru Movistar (Telefónica) 716 06
Peru Entel 716 07
Peru Claro (América Móvil) 716 10
Peru Bitel (Viettel Mobile) 716 15
Peru Entel 716 17
Philippines Globe Telecom 515 02
Philippines Smart (PLDT) 515 03
Philippines Sun Cellular (PLDT) 515 05
Poland Plus (Polkomtel) 260 01
Poland T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 260 02
Poland Orange (Telekomunikacja Polska) 260 03
Poland Play (P4) 260 06
Poland Netia (MVNO) 260 07
Poland Lycamobile (MVNO) 260 09
Poland Nordisk Polska 260 11
Poland Cyfrowy Polsat (MVNO) 260 12
Poland Aero2 260 15
Poland Aero2 260 16
Poland Aero2 260 17
Poland Virgin Mobile Polska Sp 260 45
Portugal Vodafone 268 01
Portugal NOS 268 03
Portugal Lycamobile (MVNO) 268 04
Portugal MEO 268 06
Puerto Rico Claro (América Móvil) 330 11
Puerto Rico Open Mobile 330 12
Qatar Ooredoo 427 01
Qatar Vodafone 427 02
Reunion Orange 647 00
Reunion Only (Telco OI) 647 02
Reunion Zeop 647 04
Reunion SFR (Vivendi) 647 10
Romania Vodafone 226 01
Romania Telekom Romania Mobile Comunications 226 03
Romania DigiMobil (RCS & RDS) 226 05
Romania Orange 226 10
Romania Lycamobile (MVNO) 226 16
Russia MTS 250 01
Russia MegaFon 250 02
Russia NCC (T2) 250 03
Russia ETK (T2) 250 05
Russia Danycom 250 06
Russia SMARTS 250 07
Russia Vainah Telecom 250 08
Russia Skylink 250 09
Russia Yota (MVNO) 250 11
Russia Baykalwestcom (T2) 250 12
Russia Lycamobile 250 13
Russia Utel 250 17
Russia Tele2 250 20
Russia TMT LLC 250 27
Russia LLC Antares 250 28
Russia K-Telecom 250 32
Russia Sevtelekom 250 33
Russia MOTIV 250 35
Russia Gazprom Telecom 250 41
Russia MTT 250 42
Russia Sprint 250 43
Russia SIM Telecom 250 47
Russia Globaltel 250 48
Russia Sberbank Telecom (MVNO) 250 50
Russia KTK Telecom 250 60
Russia Tinkoff Mobile (MVNO) 250 62
Russia Beeline 250 99
Rwanda MTN 635 10
Rwanda Tigo (Millicom) 635 13
Rwanda Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 635 14
Saint Kitts and Nevis FLOW (Cable & Wireless) 356 11
Saint Kitts and Nevis Chippie (UTS) 356 70
Saint Lucia LIME (Cable & Wireless) 358 11
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Ameris (SPM Telecom) 308 01
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Digicel 360 07
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Digicel 360 10
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines LIME (Cable & Wireless) 360 11
Samoa Samoa 549 00
Samoa Digicel 549 01
Samoa BlueSky Communications 549 27
San Marino San Marino Telecom 292 01
Sao Tomé and Principe CSTmovel 626 01
Sao Tomé and Principe Unitel STP 626 02
Satellite Elsacom 901 04
Satellite RMSS Network 901 05
Satellite Maritime Communications Partner (MCP) 901 12
Satellite Global Networks Switzerland AG 901 13
Satellite SITA GSM Service in Aircraft SITA GSM 901 15
Satellite EUTEL AB 901 22
Satellite AT&T Inc. 901 44
Saudi Arabia STC (Saudi Telecom) 420 01
Saudi Arabia Mobily (Etihad Etisalat) 420 03
Saudi Arabia Zain 420 04
Saudi Arabia Virgin Mobile (MVNO) 420 05
Saudi Arabia Lebara Mobile 420 06
Senegal Orange (Sonatel) 608 01
Senegal Tigo (Millicom) 608 02
Senegal Expresso (Sudatel) 608 03
Serbia Telenor 220 01
Serbia mts (Telekom Srbija) 220 03
Serbia VIP 220 05
Serbia Vectone Mobile (MVNO) 220 09
Serbia Globaltel (MVNO) 220 11
Seychelles Cable & Wireless 633 01
Seychelles Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 633 10
Sierra Leone Orange 619 01
Sierra Leone Africell (Lintel) 619 02
Sierra Leone Africell (Lintel) 619 03
Sierra Leone Africell (Lintel) 619 05
Sierra Leone SierraTel 619 06
Sierra Leone Qcell 619 07
Sierra Leone Smart Mobile 619 09
Sierra Leone Mobitel 619 25
Singapore SingTel 525 01
Singapore M1 525 03
Singapore StarHub 525 05
Singapore TPG Telecom 525 10
Singapore Grid Communications 525 12
Sint Maarten Telcell 362 51
Slovakia Orange 231 01
Slovakia Telekom (Slovak Telekom) 231 02
Slovakia 4ka (Swan Mobile) 231 03
Slovakia O2 231 06
Slovenia A1 293 40
Slovenia Mobitel (Telekom Slovenije) 293 41
Slovenia T-2 293 64
Slovenia Telemach (Tusmobil) 293 70
Solomon Islands Breeze (Our Telekom) 540 01
Solomon Islands BMobile (Solomon Islands) Ltd 540 02
Somalia Telesom 637 01
Somalia Somafone 637 04
Somalia NationLink Telecom 637 10
Somalia Hormuud Telecom 637 25
Somalia Golis Telecom 637 30
Somalia Hormuud Telecom 637 50
Somalia NationLink Telecom 637 60
Somalia Somtel 637 71
Somalia Telcom 637 82
South Africa Vodacom 655 01
South Africa Telkom Mobile 655 02
South Africa Cell C 655 07
South Africa MTN 655 10
South Korea KT 450 02
South Korea SK Telecom 450 05
South Korea LG Uplus 450 06
South Korea olleh (KT) 450 08
South Sudan MTN 659 02
South Sudan Gemtel 659 03
South Sudan Vivacell 659 04
South Sudan Zain 659 06
Spain Vodafone 214 01
Spain Orange 214 03
Spain Yoigo (Xfera Moviles SA) 214 04
Spain Movistar (Telefónica) (MVNO) 214 05
Spain Vodafone (MVNO) 214 06
Spain Movistar (Telefónica) 214 07
Spain Euskaltel (MVNO) 214 08
Spain TeleCable (MVNO) 214 16
Spain Móbil R (MVNO) 214 17
Spain Simyo (MVNO) 214 19
Spain JazzTel (MVNO) 214 21
Spain DigiMobil (MVNO) 214 22
Spain Eroski (MVNO) 214 24
Spain Lycamobile (MVNO) 214 25
Spain Truphone (MVNO) 214 27
Spain Tuenti (MVNO) 214 32
Sri Lanka Mobitel (Sri Lanka Telecom) 413 01
Sri Lanka Dialog (Axiata) 413 02
Sri Lanka Etisalat 413 03
Sri Lanka Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 413 05
Sri Lanka Hutch (Hutchison) 413 08
Sudan Zain 634 01
Sudan MTN 634 02
Sudan Canar Telecom 634 05
Sudan Sudani One (Sudatel) 634 07
Suriname Telesur 746 02
Suriname Digicel 746 03
Swaziland SPTC 653 01
Swaziland Swazi Mobile Limited 653 02
Swaziland Swazi MTN 653 10
Sweden Telia (TeliaSonera) 240 01
Sweden 3 (Hutchison) 240 02
Sweden Telenor 240 06
Sweden Tele2 240 07
Sweden Telenor 240 08
Sweden Spring Mobil (Tele2 Sverige AB) 240 10
Sweden Lycamobile (MVNO) 240 12
Sweden Tele2 Business AB 240 14
Sweden 42 Telecom AB 240 16
Sweden Gotanet (MVNO) 240 17
Sweden Vectone Mobile (MVNO) 240 19
Switzerland Swisscom 228 01
Switzerland Sunrise 228 02
Switzerland Salt Mobile SA 228 03
Switzerland Tele4u 228 08
Switzerland Relario AG (MVNO) 228 51
Switzerland UPC Cablecom (MVNO) 228 53
Switzerland Lycamobile (MVNO) 228 54
Switzerland Beeone (MVNO) 228 58
Syria Syriatel 417 01
Syria MTN 417 02
Taiwan Far EasTone 466 01
Taiwan Asia Pacific Telecom (APTG) 466 05
Taiwan Far EasTone 466 88
Taiwan T Star 466 89
Taiwan Chunghwa Telecom 466 92
Taiwan Taiwan Mobile 466 97
Tajikistan JV Somoncom (Tcell) 436 01
Tajikistan Indigo Tajikistan (Tcell) 436 02
Tajikistan TT Mobile (MegaFon) 436 03
Tajikistan Babilon-Mobile 436 04
Tajikistan Tacom (Beeline) 436 05
Tajikistan T-Mobile 436 06
Tanzania Tigo (Millicom) 640 02
Tanzania Zantel (Etisalat) 640 03
Tanzania Vodacom 640 04
Tanzania Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 640 05
Tanzania TTCL Mobile 640 07
Tanzania Smart 640 08
Tanzania Halotel 640 09
Thailand my (CAT Telecom) 520 00
Thailand AIS 520 03
Thailand True Move (True Corporation) 520 04
Thailand DTAC TriNet 520 05
Thailand TOT Mobile 520 15
Thailand DTAC 520 18
Thailand True Move (True Corporation) 520 99
Timor-Leste Telkomcel 514 01
Timor-Leste Timor Telecom 514 02
Timor-Leste Telemor 514 03
Togo Togo Cell 615 01
Togo Moov Togo 615 03
Tonga U-Call (Tonga Telecom) 539 01
Tonga Shoreline Communication 539 43
Tonga Digicel 539 88
Trinidad and Tobago bmobile (TSTT) 374 12
Trinidad and Tobago Digicel 374 13
Tunisia Orange 605 01
Tunisia Tunicell (Tunisie Telecom) 605 02
Tunisia Ooredoo TN 605 03
Tunisia Lycamobile 605 06
Turkey Turkcell 286 01
Turkey Vodafone 286 02
Turkey Türk Telekom 286 03
Turkey KKTCell 286 99
Turkmenistan TM-Cell (Altyn Asyr) 438 02
Turks and Caicos Islands Digicel 338 50
Turks and Caicos Islands FLOW (Cable & Wireless) 376 35
Tuvalu TTC (Tuvalu Telecom) 553 01
Uganda Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 641 01
Uganda Vodafone (Afrimax) 641 06
Uganda MTN 641 10
Uganda UT Mobile (Uganda Telecom) 641 11
Uganda Africell 641 14
Uganda Smart (Suretelecom Uganda) 641 18
Uganda Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 641 22
Uganda Smile 641 33
Uganda K2 (MVNO) 641 44
Ukraine Vodafone (PRJSC VF Ukraine) 255 01
Ukraine Kyivstar 255 02
Ukraine Kyivstar JSC (Kyivstar) 255 03
Ukraine Intertelecom LLC 255 04
Ukraine Lifecell 255 06
Ukraine Trimob LLC 255 07
Ukraine PEOPLEnet 255 21
Ukraine Phoenix 255 99
United Arab Emirates Etisalat 424 02
United Arab Emirates du 424 03
United Kingdom BT 234 00
United Kingdom Vectone Mobile (MVNO) 234 01
United Kingdom Tismi BV 234 09
United Kingdom O2 (Telefónica) 234 10
United Kingdom Vodafone 234 15
United Kingdom Cloud9 (MVNO) 234 18
United Kingdom 3 (Hutchison) 234 20
United Kingdom Greenfone (MVNO) 234 24
United Kingdom Lycamobile (MVNO) 234 26
United Kingdom T-Mobile UK (EE) 234 30
United Kingdom Orange (EE) 234 33
United Kingdom Virgin Mobile 234 38
United Kingdom Sky UK Limited 234 57
United Kingdom Lleida 234 99
United States Verizon Wireless 310 00
United States Verizon Wireless 310 01
United States Union Wireless 310 02
United States AT&T Mobility 310 03
United States AT&T Mobility 310 04
United States Consolidated Telcom 310 06
United States AT&T Mobility 310 07
United States Corr Wireless (Merged Q1 2010) 310 08
United States Cricket Communications (Leap Wireless) 310 09
United States Plateau Wireless 310 10
United States Sprint (SoftBank) 310 12
United States AT&T Mobility 310 15
United States T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 310 16
United States T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 310 17
United States West Central Wireless 310 18
United States Alaska Communications 310 19
United States T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 310 26
United States Big Sky Mobile (iSmart Mobile) 310 30
United States T-Mobile 310 31
United States WestLink Communications (Pioneer Communi 310 34
United States AT&T Mobility 310 38
United States Cellular One (TX-11) 310 39
United States AT&T Mobility 310 41
United States Cincinnati Bell Wireless 310 42
United States Alaska Communications 310 43
United States AT&T Mobility 310 44
United States Viaero Wireless 310 45
United States US Cellular (TDS) 310 46
United States T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 310 49
United States Alltel Wireless (ATN) 310 50
United States Cellcom (Nsight) 310 51
United States VeriSign (Transactions Network Services) 310 52
United States T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 310 53
United States Oklahoma Western Telephone Company 310 54
United States AT&T Mobility 310 56
United States AT&T Mobility 310 57
United States T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 310 58
United States Alltel Wireless (ATN) 310 59
United States Epic Touch 310 61
United States Cellcom (Nsight) 310 62
United States AmeriLink PCS 310 63
United States AirFire Mobile (Airadigm Communications) 310 64
United States Jasper 310 65
United States T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 310 66
United States AT&T Mobility 310 67
United States AT&T Mobility 310 68
United States Immix Wireless 310 69
United States U.S. Cellular 310 73
United States Convey 310 74
United States PTCI (Panhandle Telephone Cooperative) 310 76
United States T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 310 77
United States Airlink PCS 310 78
United States Pinpoint Communications 310 79
United States T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 310 80
United States Caprock 310 83
United States telna Mobile 310 84
United States Aeris 310 85
United States Pace (Kaplan Telephone Company) 310 87
United States DTC Wireless 310 88
United States Verizon Wireless 310 89
United States Mid-Rivers Wireless 310 90
United States Cellcom (Nsight) 310 91
United States Iris Wireless LLC 310 94
United States AT&T Mobility 310 95
United States Plateau Wireless 310 96
United States AT&T Mobility 310 98
United States AT&T Mobility 310 99
United States Mid-Tex Cellular 311 00
United States Chariton Valley Telephone Company 311 01
United States Chariton Valley Telephone Company 311 02
United States Indigo Wireless 311 03
United States Commnet Wireless (ATN) 311 04
United States Wikes Cellular 311 05
United States AT&T Mobility 311 06
United States AT&T Mobility 311 07
United States Pine Cellular 311 08
United States Long Lines Wireless 311 09
United States High Plains Wireless 311 10
United States CLEAR (Clearwire) 311 11
United States Choise Phone 311 12
United States AT&T Mobility 311 13
United States Sprocket Wireless (Cross Communications) 311 14
United States Wikes Cellular 311 15
United States AT&T Mobility 311 16
United States AT&T Mobility 311 17
United States AT&T Mobility 311 18
United States Cellular One (Cellular Properties) 311 19
United States Emery Telecom 311 21
United States US Cellular (TDS) 311 22
United States C Spire Wireless (Telapex) 311 23
United States Wave Runner Llc 311 25
United States AT&T Mobility 311 26
United States Leaco Wireless 311 31
United States Bug Tussel Wireless (Hilbert Communicati 311 33
United States Stelera Wireless 311 36
United States GCI 311 37
United States Verizon Wireless 311 48
United States OTZ Cellular 311 56
United States T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 311 66
United States Bluegrass Wireless LLC 311 81
United States Big River Broadband 311 97
United States Nextel 316 01
United States Nextel Communications Inc. 316 10
Uruguay Antel 748 01
Uruguay Movistar (Telefónica) 748 07
Uruguay Claro (América Móvil) 748 10
Uzbekistan Beeline (Unitel LLC) 434 04
Uzbekistan Ucell (Coscom) 434 05
Uzbekistan Perfectum Mobile 434 06
Uzbekistan UMS 434 07
Uzbekistan UzMobile 434 08
Vanuatu Smile (Telecom Vanuatu) 541 01
Vanuatu Digicel 541 05
Venezuela Digitel 734 02
Venezuela DirecTV 734 03
Venezuela Movistar (Telefónica) 734 04
Venezuela Movilnet 734 06
Vietnam MobiFone 452 01
Vietnam Vinaphone (VNPT) 452 02
Vietnam Viettel Mobile 452 04
Vietnam Vietnamobile (Hanoi Telecom) 452 05
Vietnam Gmobile (GTEL Mobile) 452 07
Wallis and Futuna Manuia 543 01
Yemen Sabafon 421 01
Yemen MTN 421 02
Yemen Yemen Mobile (CDMA) 421 03
Yemen Y 421 04
Zambia Airtel (Bharti Airtel) 645 01
Zambia MTN 645 02
Zambia Zamtel 645 03
Zimbabwe NetOne 648 01
Zimbabwe Telecel 648 03
Zimbabwe Econet Wireless 648 04